Tuesday 29 May 2012

Safe Motorcycle Riding in Thailand

Motorcycle riding in Thailand can be dangerous for novice riders not familiar with driving on the left-hand side of the road and with riding a motorcycle in general to be honest.
Numerous foreign tourists are killed in motorcycle accidents every year. Many of these deaths are admittedly due to the riders being drunk, but a massive amount of accidents are caused by car drivers who do not care about motorcyclists.
  • Always wear a helmet, bring it from home if you intend to ride a big bike since Thai helmets offer only next to no protection.
  • Wear protective clothing even if your leather gear from home will make you look ridiculous in Thailand.
  • Sunglasses enhance vision and with Thailand being very sunny, essential.
  • Never rely on your right-of-way.
Never rely on anyone stopping before entering the road from the right and especially from the left.
Motorcycles are at the bottom of the vehicle hierarchy prevalent in Thai traffic.
On the positive side Thai 4-wheel drivers are more accustomed to dealing with motorcycles in traffic than their counterparts in the colder countries of the west and east. Also, most have experience with motorcycles themselves.

In most cases of a crash the fault lies with the inexperienced foreigner with insufficient control over his bike. 

Do not be the next victim! Lots of fun can be had exploring Thailand on your motorbike, just don’t expect the same road laws as at home. Be always on the side of caution – if you think that car ahead ‘might’ pull out in front of you, in most cases he will!!

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