Sunday 6 May 2012

Business Relocation

As we all know Europe is struggling very badly mostly due to very poor management of their government, financial and business sectors over the past 10 to 15 years.  Many people affected by this current recession, what some would say is the worst recession in modern times, is down to a bunch of greedy bankers. 

Others might say it’s due to some governments wasting money fighting wars around the world, instead of concentrating on managing their own countries. Yet others would argue the basis of these troubled times is down to extremely lax immigration policies. Whatever the reasons, probably a mixture of all noted, most Europeans are seeing their bottom line, their take home pay hit hard.

How much is the usual, fairly high flying male taking home in Paris, London, Madrid or Brussels these days?  How does that equate to a mid-level take home salary in Bangkok? Many who I have met say, their European salaries are lagging behind their friends and colleagues based in Bangkok.
Could this be true? If so, what are the chances of many business guys relocating to Bangkok to take advantage of these strong salaries? 

While Thailand is in a pretty strong economic position, and always in need of experienced business brains, perhaps the time is ripe for relocation. Even if those European salaries are still a touch higher, how about throwing in the cost of living in Thailand into the mix?  When you do the numbers, and the fact that when based in Bangkok you are only 60 minutes from some very pleasant beaches, the fog of doubt seems to clear somewhat.

Thailand is not the only country in this region which is always looking for experienced and skilled personnel. Perhaps there are more people who are twigging on to the opportunities in Asia, and Europe might experience more pain to come in the form of brain drain. 

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