Thursday 12 December 2013


Dear Toilet Paper Sufferer,

If you are like me, then you’ve been through a good few rounds of painful sessions with toilet paper.

For me, it isn’t just that unpleasant, unclean feeling but the pain from toilet paper can be unbearable. To be honest, it sometimes still is, because obviously not everywhere I eat, drink, party has The Bum Gun bidet sprayer installed yet.

It’s not fair - Toilet paper is nasty, it hurts, it makes you itch.

But you are forced to just grin and bear it, pull up your pants and go on about your day.

I can’t understand how toilet paper wasn’t replaced years ago with a better solution for cleaning our bodies after a bathroom visit.

When I had a flare up I’d use savlon or aloe vera gel. Anything to relieve the pain.

But then on the next bathroom visit the pain would flare up all over again, that familiar pain and itchiness coming back with a vengeance.

But no matter what creams and ointments I’d use, nothing would cure me of my toilet paper pain.

It was a terrible cycle – the pain would come back, and I’d go see the doctor.

He’d tell me to rub a special cream and that option worked for a very short while.

But then, just as I was beginning to live life as normal again, just beginning to enjoy my pain-free life, I’d need the toilet again.

I would tell my friends that I couldn’t hang out, because I just wasn’t ‘feeling well’.

I would avoid social functions of all types, just because I couldn’t be comfortable dealing with the pain. At least at home I could jump in the shower instead of using toilet paper.

My life was hell, and I couldn’t seem to get a grip.

For those of us with the pain from toilet paper or haemorrhoid problems, these are the recurring situations that come up.

We get flare-ups and our whole life stops. We do everything we can to relieve the pain, but the problem just crops up over and over and over again.

It’s not fair – we should be able to do more for our health. We shouldn’t just be treating the symptoms; we should be proactive in our health and trying to stop these outbreaks head on.

We should be able to stop the pain from occurring in the first place instead of just waiting for the next painful experience.

After years with recurring pain, I couldn’t handle it anymore.

Then a EUREKA moment!

On a trip to Asia training for a karate tournament I came across The Bum Gun!!
With The Bum Gun I found out what I’d been missing all these years, and I finally understood what I needed to do to take my health into my own hands.

Stop Putting Up With Second Best, and Begin Taking Control of Your Life!!

The time has come for you to begin taking control of your health once and for all.
Imagine waking up tomorrow knowing you don’t have to put up with nasty toilet paper any more.

Last week, you were pulling up your pants knowing you were not properly clean, and heading for that important meeting hardly feeling your best.

This morning, though, those nasty days are just a distant memory.

Thanks to finding The Bum Gun bidet sprayer website you can make informed decisions about upgrading your life. After all, you KNOW you deserve better in your life. You work very hard!! You DO deserve better in your life!!

You can eat spicy foods again, knowing if you become a bit more regular, The Bum Gun bidet sprayer will take care of your hygiene needs effortlessly, with comfort and tenderness.

You will be ready for the day ahead, be it to work, to a meeting, or on a date with friends or a loved one.

You will always have a fantastic day with The Bum Gun bidet sprayer taking care of your hygiene needs!

You will feel great, and totally productive.

After work, you head out for a night with your friends for a great time out, and your life just keeps getting better and better.

As time goes on, you’ll make sure all the places you visit frequently have The Bum Gun installed; such as at work, at the gym, your favourite restaurants. Then you won’t have to deal with nasty toilet paper anymore.

Your life is GREAT; you’ve finally taken your health into your own hands and have the means to prevent bacteria and discomfort affecting your life.

You know what you’re doing, you know what you want, and you know how to stay healthy. All thanks to one handy jet sprayer...

Are You Ready to Finally Be Free of Nasty Toilet Paper?

Living a life with toilet paper can be absolute hell. Your life literally slows to a standstill, you can’t work and you can’t go out with friends because everything is uncomfortable when moving.

The pain can be unbearable and you can’t seem to concentrate on any task at hand, you’re always preoccupied with your sore butt.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Now, you can have the device to really take control of your health.

You can take control of your hygiene, and get rid of the itchy burning painful feeling now and for good.

Soon, you’ll have the jet spray mini shower to take control of your life, your health, and your happiness.

With The Bum Gun installed you’ll have the means to make real informed decisions about your health instead of being at the whim of someone who doesn't have to walk around in your shoes.

Now, you can have the means to finally do something good for your body so you don’t have to suffer with toilet paper any more!

You’ll quickly realize that you should have switched a long time ago.

But you don’t have to beat yourself up about it. The important thing is that you have made the decision NOW!!

By Investing in YOURSELF, 
Investing in The Bum Gun, You’ll BENEFIT by…

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